The AVTiA project (Project Number: 2024-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000249675) has been co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

Target Groups

University Lecturers, Faculty Deans and Students specializing in translation

Young Translators interested in AVT

Associations for the deaf and hard of hearing Associations for the blind and visually impaired

The Higher education sector can benefit from the results of the AVTiA project because lecturers, university students and translators are provided with the necessary skills, competences and sources to teach and assess inclusion in audiovisual translation. The objective is thus, to generate attitude-change and raise higher education sector awareness on the need to ensure access to information to people with disabilities.



Training Package for Lecturers

A package providing skills, competences and sources to teach and assess inclusion in audiovisual translation


Training Package for Students

A package building and consolidating knowledge and skills of university students in inclusive audiovisual translation oriented to subtitling for the hearing impaired and audio description for the vision impaired


Policy recommendations

A set of policy recommendations for promoting the insertion of inclusive approaches and practices in audiovisual translation in university courses and curricula


Latest News


Second Partners' Meeting

Pixel organized the Second meeting of the European project AVTiA which took place in Florence (IT) on 17 and 18 February 2025. During the meeting, WP1,2 and 5 activities were described, next face-to-face meetings dates were identified. Project related documents, templates were presented, discussed and approved.